Jana Tosic

Jana Tosic is a freelance mental health and personal development web content writer. She helps individuals and companies change themselves and the world they live in. She also enjoys spending time with her family and working daily on her own self-development. Find more of her writing at her website and connect with her on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.

A Victim Mentality: 6 Ways To Stop Self-Pity

Self-pity is about believing you’re a victim of circumstances. Feeling sorry for yourself will not get you anywhere. In fact,…

55 years ago

5 Ways To Stop Feeling Unworthy And Regain A Feeling Of Self-Worth

“You feel worthy simply because you exist. You are you, and that’s enough a good reason to stand strong beside…

55 years ago

6 Reasons to Emotionally Detach from Other People’s Opinion of You

“Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality.” – Les Brown You’re emotionally attached to other people’s opinions about…

55 years ago

What Can You Learn by Being In Silence?

“I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a…

55 years ago