5 Ways To Stop Feeling Unworthy And Regain A Feeling Of Self-Worth

“You feel worthy simply because you exist. You are you, and that’s enough a good reason to stand strong beside the very best and the very worst, and stand up against them if you must, and still feel whole within yourself.” -Anonymous

Do you feel small and needless? Do you feel that you’re not worthy of life, love or someone’s attention?

There are a few things behind that feeling of unworthiness that you first need to dig into:

  • The belief of not being good enough: But good enough for whom? You’ll never be good enough for others, so stop worrying about that. If you’re trying to be perfect, you’ll just lose many years of your life in vain.
  • A lack of self-love: How can you love yourself if you don’t feel worthy of love? You also can’t allow others to love you.
  • A lack of self-esteem: This also creates the feeling of unworthiness. It’s often caused by some event from the past or a person who mistreated you.
  • The belief that you don’t deserve acceptance from others: Life, love and success are not dependent on being deserving. You don’t have to deserve to live or deserve someone else’s love.

The only truth to remember is that you’re worthy the way you are—it doesn’t depend on who you are or what you do.

If you’re struggling with this—and, don’t worry, so many of us are—here are 5 ways you can regain a feeling of self-worth:

1. Find the purpose in your life.

What creates a positive feeling in you? What do you enjoy doing? How can you help others feel good or worthy?

Your purpose is what motivates you. You feel worthy of living when you know your life’s purpose.

2. Learn how to have positive self-talk.

When you understand that all the negative self-talk is just the words and beliefs of others, you’ll begin to awaken. You’ll let go of the emotional attachment to the outside world.

You have the power over your life and only you can change it.

Instead of telling yourself words like “I’m not worthy of life. I’m not worthy of love,” say “I was born to live with abundance I have within. God loves me, so I am worthy of love.”

With this sort of self-talk, you’ll stay strong no matter what comes your way.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others.

What’s the point of comparing? You’re poisoning yourself, not the other person.

You’ll only start to feel worthy when you accept the fact that we’re all different. You have to learn to live with your individuality instead of comparing yourself with others.

Self-worth means you feel equal to all others in existence, regardless of the way you live and look and what you have or have not.

4. Learn that your self-worth is unconditional.

Often as children we think that we must do what our parents tell us and then they’ll love us. If you don’t do what they say, they’ll punish you, yell at you or ignore your needs.

This is conditional love.

Most of us are taught to believe that we must please people to get their trust, love or attention.

But these are negative beliefs. Worthiness is unconditional.

5. Take care of your inner Self.

Who will take care of you if you don’t take care of yourself?

Do what energizes you. Spend some time alone and in silence.

Get to know yourself better. What are your desires, your fears? Start to see all of your traits as the unique picture of you.

Know that you’re good enough and beyond enough. Know that your life matters and that you are worthy because you are alive.

Jana Tosic

Jana Tosic is a freelance mental health and personal development web content writer. She helps individuals and companies change themselves and the world they live in. She also enjoys spending time with her family and working daily on her own self-development. Find more of her writing at her website and connect with her on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.

Published by
Jana Tosic

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